CRUDView and CRUDSList Example
Startup project includes CRUDView and CRUDSList examples. WindnTrees CRUDSList view comprised of array of CRUDViews each pointing a server-side controller including CRUD repositories for persistence. CRUDSList share same HTML view amongst multiple CRUDViews using single KnockoutJS binding.
Programmers extend repositories and with m_TargetRedirection set to true controllers invoke appropriate repository methods along-with CRUDL (create, read, update, delete and list) methods.
KnockoutJS synchronize between view model and html views dynamically. CRUDView comprise of observer object and enables with binding at either CRUDView or ObserverObject level. ObserverObject is extensible and binding ready. CRUDView handles logic between controllers, processors and observers (ObserverObject). There are multiple observer objects (ObserverObject) each with a view binding purpose.
Understand importance of ObserverObject and understand view. It is also a layer of separation or integration between HTML view itself and model data.
Database Setup
Install database in MSSQL Server from sql script folder. Enable or configure website login details to make project work.
Project Website Login
.NET project My Account and Admin area username and password are:
WindnTrees CRUDS architecture provide efficient means of developing interactive web pages with less and smart programming. Grow in repositories with simple controllers. Download bootstrap admin projects and develop data driven dynamic web applications.