Following software will be required to implement this tutorial
- Visual Studio 2017 with .NET framework 4.6.1
- Internet Information Server (IIS)
- JQuery
- KnockoutJs
- HTTP Browser Application (IE, Firefox, Chrome)
Start New Visual Studio Project
Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and
- Start a new project by clicking File->New->Project menu item. This will open “New Project” window.
- Select ASP .NET Web Application (.NET Framework)
- Select .NET Framework 4.6.1 from selection list and Click Ok.
- This will open “New ASP .NET Web Application” window.
- Select “MVC” project type with “No Authentication” options selected.
- Click Ok
A new project will be setup.
Install WindnTrees.Abstraction Nuget Package
Open “Package Manager Console” and install “WindnTrees.Abstraction” package.
install-package WindnTrees.Abstraction -version 1.1.7
Make sure that you’ve already installed latest and compatible package of jQuery and KnockoutJs libraries.
Update: 2018-07-13
WindnTrees .NET Core nuget package is available for download to implement ASP .NET Core based applications.
install-package WindnTrees.Core
Note: nuget package manager does not install windntrees1.0.0.min.js in correct project scripts library directory, make sure you recover script files from C:\Users\<<Username>>\.nuget\packages\.
Setup Database
Design a very simple database with Employee entity table using SQL Server Management Studio as mentioned below:
Id (PK) nvarchar(100)
Name nvarchar(100)
Salary money
Designation nvarchar(100)