Setup Project
We'll be extending tutorial Introduction to CRUDSList and you can download reference project here.
Setup Database
Add following table to existing database of
Introduction to CRUDSList tutorial.
1. UID (uniqueidentifier) (PK)
2. CategoryID (uniqueidentifier) (FK)
3. SkillLevelID (uniqueidentifier) (FK)
4. RecordTime (datetime)
5. UpdateTime (datetime)
6. Menu (nvarchar(100))
7. Subject (nvarchar(200))
8. Description1 (nvarchar(200))
9. Description2 (nvarchar(200))
10. Active (bit)
11. RowVersion (timestamp)
In ASP .NET Core you may use following command to synchronize application data model.
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=.\sqlexpress;Database=Tutorials;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -DataAnnotations -OutputDir TutorialModels -Tables "Category","Rating","SkillLevel", "Topic" -Context TutorialsContext -Force
or in case of ASP .NET use ADO .NET Entity Data Model (EDMX) to update model.